SN |
Parameters & Indicators |
2000 - 2001 |
A |
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) |
1 |
Total Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) |
2 |
No. of Families provided Employment |
3 |
Employment Generated (Lakh Mandays) |
4 |
Average days of employment provided |
B |
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) |
1 |
No. of Self Help Groups |
2 |
No. of SHG assisted for Economic Activity |
3 |
Total Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) |
4 |
No. of Self Help Group provided revolving fund |
5 |
Amount of revolving fund provided (in lakhs) |
6 |
No. of SHG provided CIF |
7 |
Amount of CIF provided (in lakh) |
C |
Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) |
1 |
Construction of New Houses |
2 |
Upgradation |
3 |
Expenditure ( Lakhs) |
D |
1 |
House Completed |
2 |
Utilized (Rs. in lakhs) |
E |
Border Area Development Programme (BADP) |
1 |
No. of Work/Item |
2 |
Amount ( lakh) |
3 |
Sector Wise Alocation of BADP Fund (Rs. in Lakhs) |
i) Infrastructure |
ii) Health |
iii) Agriculture & Allied |
iv) Social |
v) Education |
vi) Sport Activities |
vii) Special/Specific Area Scheme |
viii) Maintenance of Assets |
ix) Security (Border Guarding) |
x) Works /Scheme under Reserve Fund |
Total BADP Fund ( lakh) |
F |
1 |
Nos. of different work sector (Rs. in lakhs) |
2 |
Development Grant/Capacity Building & Training (Rs. in lakhs) |
G |
Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana(SGRY) |
1 |
Total Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) |
2 |
Employment Generated (Lakh Mandays) |
H |
Swarnjanti Gram Swarozgar Yojona (SGSY) |
1 |
No. of Self Help Group formed |
2 |
No. of SHG assisted for Economic Activity |
3 |
Total Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) |
I |
1 |
No.of Household provided Livelihood |
2 |
No.of Farmers benefitted |
3 |
No.of Self Help Groups Formed |
4 |
Financial achievement ( lakh) |