SN |
Parameters & Indicators |
2019 - 2020 |
A |
No.of Local Churches/Corps |
B |
No. of Members |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |
C |
No. of Paid Workers |
1 |
Permanent |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |
2 |
Temporary |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |
D |
No. of Missionaries sponsored |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |
E |
No. of Elders/Deacons/Cathechists/Officers |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |
F |
No. of Charitable institutions/Non-profit institutions |
1 |
i) Orphange |
ii) Rehab |
iii) Rescue |
2 |
i) Home |
ii) Dispensaries |
iii) Others |
3 |
School |
4 |
College |
5 |
Hospital |
Total |
G |
Unpaid Fulltime including Priest |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |
H |
No. of Pastor/ Pro-Pastor engaged |
i) Male |
ii) Female |
Total |